Grooveshark is the first of the free Internet radio websites. This one specializes in finding specific genres of music and making your own playlist of songs you like. I personally don't have much of a preference for it, as the genres for the music can be slightly vague, but the playlists work just fine, so it's all about preference.

Pandora is probably the most known of any of the Internet radios, but it's aslo probably the weakest on a quality scale. It does excellent in suggesting music that you would most likely enjoy, but if you happen to not like a string of sounds, well tough luck, because you skipped too often and now you're stuck. It also does not have a playlist feature, so it's just random songs played on repeat, but in all honesty, it's only player that I plan on using, just because it happens to be the simplest and easiest to pick up.

Spotify is Pandora's biggest rival, as t has had the most success of any of the competitors. It is the radio that downloads itself onto your computer for easy access when ever you need it. That's also the reason I don't like it. My computer's memory is awful, considering I seem to have had to download tons and tons of things that I just cannot be bothered to delete as of the past few months. Regardless, it works fine. You can have playlists and another interesting feature none of the others have, is that you can play the music offline, if you pay for the premium.

Immediately, my first complaint was how long it takes for the site to load. It is practically ungodly slow. Nitpicking though. The site is set up nicely, where the genres are defined, and you can even find song titles and artists with just a simple search. It's quite effective. If there was anything I would try, it would be Slacker. The site even shows popular music, which seems to be the radios MO. While Grooveshark was for those that like the classics and out-of-the-box, Slacker seems to service to those popular and well known artists and songs. I have no sense of originality, so I like it because it's easier to find popular songs, which I like. Call me shallow; I am prepared.