Social media is defined as the way a website is used in circulating information between individuals or groups. There are tons of social media sites, all with some kind of purpose given to the public. Want to talk to a friend? Facebook. Want to see them and talk? Skype. Upload a funny song you wrote? YouTube. There are literally limitless amounts of social media on every site these days. And with more interaction between each of the sites, sharing information from one site or person is just as easy as clicking a button.
How has social media changed the world, though? It's just a way to talk to friends right? Kinda, but there is so much more. First: the world is closer than it has ever been. Different languages, customs, and information that used to be much more difficult to find, are just a click away. You can go on a random chatting site and casually talk to someone thousands of miles away from you. Two: You can find opinions and thoughts from just regular people easily. This very site is an example of that: All the things I've been writing could be read by anyone in the world, but I'm still just a regular guy with a not-very-good blog from Nowhere, West Virginia. My views wouldn't have any way of being heard. Even if nothing I say is the slightest bit important, at least I'm saying something and being out there, which is more than the thoughts I've said to myself and lost could account for.
Social media is not some holy gift from God, because it can be sued negatively in many ways, as well. Such as the obsession with pop culture and vices that would be harder to find. The human constitution can be weaker and more volatile by the exposure to these sorts of things. "I don't look like that, I don't talk like that, I can't do that" becomes more heard that actual things they are. The simple amazement of life are dulled in comparison to the affordability of what this person may be doing or saying. I've seen it, people begin focusing on what's wrong and the thoughts of others too heavily; it takes away their own sense of identity.
All in all, social media is a marvelous thing, even with its faults. The ways your mind and views can be stretched beyond what little things and little people may have influenced you is simply amazing. And I have to say that I wouldn't be the guy I am today without it. I always say, start with the best and never finish.
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