Cinnabon Cinnamon Roll
These are fun activity to do with your family on a special occasion. The time to do them lasts 4 hours, so not something you should be doing everyday, unless you're getting paid. If you are, you better bake your ass off, little Mandy won't be going to college if you don't. The recipe isn't terribly complicated; I certainly seen worse, but it can get a little pricey, considering you have to get a lot of ingredients. I'm interested in this recipe because I love delicious things and this certainly looks it. I would probably do this for someone's birthday, because it's relatively easy, just time-consuming, and everyone likes sweets. (And I have a friend who's allergic to cinnamon and she would freak, it would be hilarious. She'll be laughing too once she gets off of her asthma pump)
Flying Paper Lanterns

I would do this project simply because I'm none to experienced with crafts and I've always found paper lanterns to be absolutely beautiful, especially on a starlit night. This is a project I would embark on only on special occasions, such as going away parties or graduations. I'd say this would be best done as a group project, as it takes time to do all the steps, but releasing a good number of these into the air, light blazing in the night, would be simply magical.
Sucking an Egg into a Bottle

This is cute little science experiment that is best done with children. I have a nephew and his mind would be absolutely blown at the sight of this sort of thing. I wouldn't be very interested in it on my own time, but if I had the time, and resources, to do this sort of thing with my nephew. It would be fantastic.
Scarecrow Mask

This is my kind of Halloween costume. I've always been attracted to the types of costumes on Halloween that are mostly just bland faces with holes. It's a bizarre and utterly devoid subgroup of Halloween. Never the less, I already have plans to make this my Halloween costume of next year. I'll be terrorizing the children even more than I already do.
Broken Glass Cupcakes

I think these cupcakes look absolutely phenominal. I love the sugar glass, the "blood", and the entire idea of them. These would be great for a Halloween party. I just have to work on getting invited to one first. If I were, I would be the weirdo that doesn't bring beer. I'd be casually carrying in a tray of these with my scarecrow mask. I can just imagine it now.
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